What can I expect during my chiropractic adjustment?

At your initial consult, we will discover how to best begin to access your system, including your likes/dislikes, hesitations and concerns. We will listen and follow your unique system, applying forces that are gentle and specific, in order to release the stored tension in your body.

Force application can vary. Certain times may call for light touch and cueing to bring breath and awareness to a specific area. Other times, we may apply a large structural force that results in cavitation or the traditional “popping” sound you may be accustomed to.

You can expect to be in the office for approximately 20-30 minutes. We practice community healing, meaning you may find yourself getting adjusted with multiple people at the same time in the same room.

How often will I have to come?

This will vary person to person - each system is unique and our care plans reflect this. However, if you have never been under care or it has been some time since you have been adjusted, we will likely suggest 2-3 times per week initially. This is so we can quickly reduce subluxation load on the nervous system, interrupt any recurring patterns and allow the system to become more adaptive and dynamic. The brain is plastic, which is great news for chiropractors! We change the wiring of your brain with each and every adjustment. However, similarly to working out, if you only made it to the gym once each month it is unlikely you would receive the results you desire.

Why would an infant need adjusted?

The journey Earth side can be challenging to a little one’s nervous system - natural birth or otherwise. Babies may develop subluxation due to constraint or abnormal positioning while in the uterus or due to the journey down the birth canal during delivery. In one study, approximately 80% of 1,000 newborns were found to have some form of nerve dysfunction. Subluxation in newborns may present at difficulty feeding, trouble with latch, acid reflux, colic, infrequent defecation, etc.. In addition, over 65% of neurologic growth and development occurs during the first year of life. Chiropractic adjustments will help to manage this neurologic stress and allow for adaptability, physiologic balance and the fullest expression of life during these early moments.

For more information on pediatric chiropractic and WHY your little one should be adjusted, please click here.

Is chiropractic safe for pregnant mommas?

Absolutely! Chiropractic care is a great option for both pregnant women and those trying to conceive. Our doctors are trained in Webster technique, which analyzes and corrects for imbalances in the pelvis and the surrounding ligaments. Subluxation in this region may present as difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. For more about Webster and chiropractic care during this sacred transition, please click here.